Category Archives: 1/2 marathon

Week 7 Update: Marathon Training (Phoenix 3TV 1/2 Marathon)

Today I lined up to do a 1/2 marathon. It was part of my marathon training and I was super excited. This 1/2 did not feel like any other half. The night before I did get nervous but for the most part I felt like I was going out for any run that I would during the week. I had a feeling I would PR because I have been training so much for the full marathon that I feel like I am in better shape. I woke up at 4am to get up and eat breakfast. I decided to enjoy some outside weather since it is finally cooling off in Arizona. I was able to rock a hoodie! As you can see I sat and ate in the dark. 4

I was suppose to do the Women’s 1/2 in Arizona but it was cancelled about three weeks ago. So I rushed and signed up for the Phoenix 3TV 1/2 Marathon. The marathon took place in Downtown Phoenix. I decided I would park my car close to home and take the light rail down to the race so I wouldn’t have to deal with traffic.

Like I said this race felt a lot different then other races. I felt very comfortable and excited. I was just more ready then normal. I did miss a few runs over the past 7 weeks but I knew I was ready. I decided to do go with a hand held this race. When I first started running I was in love with my camelback because I likes that I could carry a lot with it. As time has gone on I have decided that hand helds are way better. I also decided to try jelly belly sports beans along with my normal honey stingers. The weather was perfect! The day started off cool and it stayed overcast for the whole race.


The first half of the race went AMAZING. I was at my LOW end of my goal pace for my full. I felt strong and amazing. I ended up finding two ladies to run with and it helped the first 1/2 go fast. Unfortunately, I started to feel a little sluggish at mile 7 so I decided to slow down. My two new friends ran off and I was left alone in my thoughts. AT first I slowed down WAY too much and was going 30 seconds slower then my goal pace. I tried to pick it up and I kept bouncing back and forth. During my first 1/2 marathon in 2012 mile 10 was my breaking point. I was done and wanted to just sit down. During this 1/2 I never felt like I wanted to quit. By mile 10 I felt re-energized and strong. I thought to myself all I have left is 3.1 miles and I have been crushing my 3 mile runs. So I was able to pick up the pace and be back in my goal range. I kept looking at my watch and worry that I maybe I had been over confident and that I wouldn’t PR. I also so one of the pacers with the signs approaching me which had me worried. Finally I turned the corner and saw all the people and the finish line and I knew I was going to PR.


I felt like I super women which is ironic because this is the photo I took after finishing.1

So not only did I PR but I did it by 11 minutes! I feel like I could have PR by 13 minutes if I had not slowed down twice but I am THRILLED with my time. I was also in my goal pace zone for my full. I felt great after the race and felt like I could have kept running which I am taking as a good sign for my full. I fully believe after ever great race you need some GREAT food!


I am calling this past week a win and am moving forward with week 8! I am hoping my legs feel good for my Monday run!

Peace Love Running!!!